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Όροι Χρήσης & Πολιτική Απορρήτου

Website Use Terms

Ι. General Terms of Use

This Website is owned by FitCube (hereinafter referred to as the Company).
The term Website hereinafter means all websites, applications, services, content, text, information, photographs, visual representations, etc., included under the www.fitcube.gr.

This is an agreement between You, the User of the Website and the Company, regarding the use of the Website by You. With this agreement, the Company provides you with a non-exclusive, personal license, which is governed by the following terms. Your use of the Website presupposes your full and unconditional acceptance of all the terms of this Agreement. Also, by using your Website, you state that all your statements and warranties included in this Agreement are true, and that you guarantee their accuracy.

1 . Any use of the Website presupposes, and you expressly state and warrant, that you have reached the age of 18 and have full legal capacity. Minors are expressly prohibited from using the Website. The Company does not bear any responsibility for the use of the Website by users who do not have the above properties.

2 . The entire content of the Website is the property of the Company and / or its respective lawyers and is protected by the relevant provisions of Greek, Community and international law on the protection of intellectual property, and is provided to You solely for personal use. Any reproduction, copying, modification, publication, exploitation and general use of the Website is expressly prohibited, except as described in this Agreement. It is equally forbidden to mislead the public about the actual provider / master of the Website as well as to make it available to you in any way for commercial or other purposes.

3 . You explicitly undertake not to use the Website for illegal or immoral purposes or for any purpose other than your personal, private use.

4 . The Website is provided to you “as is” and its use, in whole or in part, is at your sole discretion. The Company bears no responsibility for the correctness, validity, completeness, accuracy or usefulness of the Website, nor does it provide any kind of guarantee as to its suitability (technical or otherwise) for any purpose. The Company assumes no liability for any positive or negative damage you or others may suffer, directly or indirectly, from the use of the Website, in particular with regard to computer or other system failures, data loss, malfunctions with any software or hardware already installed. etc.

5 . The Company is entitled at any time and without notice to modify or even temporarily or permanently discontinue all or part of the Website, without any obligation to you.

6 . The use of the Website is governed by Greek law and the Courts of Athens are responsible for any dispute that may arise.

II. Contact Form

1 . The Company gives you the opportunity, if you wish, of a first exploratory contact with it regarding its services, through the contact form located on the website http://fitcube.gr/contact of the Website (the “ Contact Form “). Completion of all fields is mandatory.

2 . Completion and submission of the Contact Form does not constitute a contract, nor is its acceptance binding on the Company.

3 . The content of the Contact Form may be changed without notice by the Company.

III. Privacy Policy

1 . General . The Company may request your personal data for the use of the Website. In this case, the Company will keep a Personal Data Archive as the controller. The purpose of the processing will be the execution of your orders and / or orders, but also the promotion of services and products of the Company directly to You, with direct or other communication. The Company undertakes not to transmit your data to any third party, except for those persons who are connected to it and are necessary for the execution of the processing. The Company undertakes to process your above data in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 on personal data protection (General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679) , the national data protection legislation. personal character and the decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority. In any case, you have the rights recognized by the personal data protection law, including those of access and objection, which you can exercise by contacting the Company via the email address contact@fitcube.gr.

2. What personal data does the Company collect?

In the event that the Company asks you for personal information with which it can only identify you online, you can be sure that it will be used securely and only in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

These details are:

Name, Surname, Email, Contact Phone, Message.

3. How do we use your personal data?

The Company complies and responsibly implements the legislation on Personal Data.

These data are used for the following purposes only:

1. the fulfillment of proposed services for the needs of the respective company that communicates with the company.

2. the smooth operation of the site.

4. Data transmission to third parties

The data collected is not transmitted to third parties. Exceptionally, the Company may disclose personal data if required by law, by a court decision or by any other state or regulatory authority.

5. Your rights: Right to access, object and delete

The Company provides visitors who have given their personal data through the contact form the opportunity to delete their personal data and information at any time, to correct them and to update them. To perform one of the above actions please contact contact@fitcube.gr and when the process of deleting or modifying your personal data is completed you will receive a corresponding informative email.

6. Data security

The Company implements reasonable security measures to protect Personal Data against loss, unauthorized use, disclosure or destruction. The Company restricts the authorized access to your personal data only to those individuals who have a legitimate reason to know this data in order to provide products or services to you.

7. Cookies
The Company uses cookies to identify the user. Cookies are small text files that are stored in the terminal of each user, without receiving any information or knowledge of personal files or documents of the user. Cookies are used solely to facilitate user access, for statistical or marketing purposes. More information about cookies can be found at www.allaboutcookies.org and on the browser site you use (eg Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox).

8. Links

The Website may contain links that lead to other websites. The Company does not have the ability to control these sites and in no case is it responsible for the content, advertisements, promotions, competitions, services, products, etc. available from the above websites. You expressly agree to this and accept that the Company is not liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage caused to you or in connection with the use of the content of the above websites to which the links published by its other users refer. website.